What really happened in the Rihanna and Chris Brown controversy in 2009?

In 2009, Chris Brown was accused of physically abusing Rihanna.

Chris Brown, who is 17 years old, wants everyone to get beyond a “mistake” he made.

Last week, the 34-year-old actor expressed his annoyance on his Instagram Stories over continuing to get blowback for his аttаck on Rihanna during their dating years in the 2000s.

Why was Chris Brown not shunned away by the public and media for what he did to Rihanna? - Quora

“This year, the NBA requested me to participate in the all-star game! At this point, I’m weary of people bugging me and I’m tired of living in the f***ing past, he said, adding that “only for them to call later and sаy they couldn’t do IT because of their sponsors.”

“I DON’T WANT TO BE ACCEPTED FROM ANY OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND FAKE CELEBRITIES, I AM KING IN MY OWN LANE YOUR FACE AIN’T GOT S*** ON ME AND THEY KNOW IT,” the Under the Influence hitmaker said. Not fitting the bill for approval. YOU WILL ASK TO BE FORGIVEN THAT I DO KNOW. I uploaded the emails for everyone to see.

Chris Brown complains people 'hate' him for Rihanna assault

He went on to sаy that after being rejected, the NBA was still attempting to get him to sit courtside. Still, he cut them off.