Patrick Mahomes has established himself as one of the best and most exciting quarterbacks in the NFL. As the leader of the Kansas City Chiefs, he has achieved Super Bowl and league MVP honors at a young age. However, Mahomes’ stellar on-field performance is no accident – it is the result of diligent self-care that keeps his body and mind primed to perform at the highest level.

The Physical Demands of an NFL Quarterback

Playing quarterback in the NFL is an incredibly physically taxing job. They face constant pressure in the pocket from onrushing defenders, take big hits when sacked, and are required to make crisp throws downfield throughout the course of long games. On top of that, the NFL season is a 17-week grind that sees teams play almost every week from September through January or February. It’s no surprise that many quarterbacks break down physically over such a punishing schedule.

To combat the rigors of the position, Mahomes prioritizes taking care of his body through rest, nutrition, injury prevention, and recovery. As he told reporters, “Taking care of my body is a huge part of my routine. In this league, you have to be available to play every single week.”

Getting Quality Rest

One of the most important aspects of Mahomes’ self-care regimen is ensuring he gets sufficient sleep each night, especially during the season. NFL players have short turnarounds between games, often with only a few days of rest separating contests. Quality sleep is vital for repairing muscles and preventing fatigue from accumulating.

Mahomes aims for 8-9 hours of sleep per night when possible. He limits screen time before bed and sticks to a consistent bedtime routine. Getting the proper amount of rest allows his body to recover from the physical pounding it takes on gamedays and keeps him fresh for practices and future games. Teammates note how well-rested Mahomes seems even during the busiest parts of the season.

Focus on Nutrition

In addition to rest, Mahomes pays close attention to fueling his body properly through nutrition. He consults regularly with the Chiefs’ performance nutritionists to ensure he’s getting enough calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals in his diet to support an elite athlete’s needs.

Some key aspects of Mahomes’ nutrition plan include eating a high-protein breakfast to start the day, focusing on lean meats and complex carbs for lunch and dinner, and snacking on nutritious foods like Greek yogurt, nuts, and fruit. He avoids excessive sugar, processed foods, and empty calories. Staying hydrated is also a priority, as Mahomes drinks plenty of water throughout each day.

This clean eating supports his training, helps him recover from workouts and games, and gives him sustained energy without any crashes. Team chef Charlton Smith noted that Mahomes’ nutrition is “dialed in” and plays a big role in his success.

Injury Prevention Techniques

Playing through injury is an unfortunate reality for many NFL players. But Mahomes looks to reduce his risk of getting hurt through targeted injury prevention routines. He works with the Chiefs’ training staff on mobility, flexibility, and activation exercises to keep his muscles primed and loose.

Some specific techniques Mahomes employs include:

– Dynamic warmups before practices like high knees, butt kicks, and karaoke to increase blood flow and prepare his body.

– Stretching all major muscle groups, with an emphasis on his shoulders, hips, hamstrings and lower back which are vulnerable areas for QBs.

– Soft tissue work like foam rolling to relieve muscle tightness and trigger point release.

– Strength training with an emphasis on core, rotator cuff and lower body muscles to improve stability.

– Proper mechanics when throwing to avoid unnecessary stress on his arm.

Staying diligent with these prevention strategies helps Mahomes maintain mobility and resilience so he’s less prone to soft tissue injuries over the long season. It’s a major reason he’s been so durable despite the physical beating the position entails.

The Mental Side of Self-Care

While physical recovery is obviously important, Mahomes also prioritizes his mental well-being through various self-care practices. Playing quarterback at an elite level requires tremendous focus, poise under pressure, and quick decision making. Taking care of his mental state supports these crucial skills.

Meditation and Visualization

To sharpen his focus and stay calm in big moments, Mahomes incorporates daily meditation and visualization into his routine. He sits quietly for 10-15 minutes and clears his mind of distractions, focusing only on his breathing. This helps him achieve a relaxed yet alert mental state.

Mahomes also visualizes positive game scenarios in his mind. He’ll imagine successful plays unfolding and envision making the right reads and throws. This mental rehearsal improves his processing and muscle memory for gameday. Teammates note how poised Mahomes seems even in tense situations, a testament to his mental preparation.

Managing Stress

Dealing with the pressures of NFL stardom and leading a franchise can induce high levels of stress. To manage this, Mahomes makes sure to schedule downtime away from football for relaxing activities. He’ll go fishing, spend time with family or play video games to unwind and decompress from the rigors of the week.

Mahomes also works on positive self-talk and reframing mistakes in a constructive way rather than dwelling on errors. This emotional resilience is vital for consistently performing under intense scrutiny and pressure packed situations. Team leaders praise how even-keeled Mahomes remains regardless of circumstances.

Work-Life Balance

Finding harmony between his professional and personal lives is another area Mahomes focuses on for his mental wellbeing. While football is his passion, he makes sure to carve out quality time for relationships outside of the game.

Whether it’s date nights with his wife Brittany or family dinners, Mahomes prioritizes non-football activities to recharge emotionally. This balance prevents burnout and allows him to bring his best self to work each day. Coaches appreciate his laser-like football focus yet ability to detach when off the clock.

Improved Decision Making

All of Mahomes’ self-care contributes to what may be his most valuable asset – his incredible ability to process the field and make split-second decisions under duress. When well-rested, focused and free of mental clutter, he can read defenses rapidly and identify the best throwing lanes.

Teammates are in awe of Mahomes’ pre-snap reads and willingness to attempt daring off-platform throws other QBs wouldn’t even consider. But it’s his mental preparation that allows such pinpoint execution even when pressured or the play breaks down. Former coach Doug Pederson described Mahomes’ mental processing as “light years ahead of the curve.”

The Results of Self-Care

Since becoming the Chiefs’ starter in 2018, Mahomes has put together an MVP caliber resume thus far. He’s led the franchise to four straight AFC Championship games and captured a Super Bowl title in his first full season as the starter. Perhaps most impressively, Mahomes has only missed one game due to injury over five years as a starter.

His combination of physical gifts and diligent self-care regimen have allowed him to produce eye-popping stats at a pace rarely seen in the NFL. Mahomes continues shattering records and highlights his otherworldly playmaking ability on a weekly basis.

More than the stats though, Mahomes’ teammates and coaches appreciate how available and consistent in top form he is for his team. They know his self-care habits are a big reason the offense can rely on him to deliver week in and week out despite the grueling schedule. His leadership on and off the field has cemented Mahomes as the unquestioned face of the Chiefs franchise.

At only 27 years old, Mahomes still has his best football likely ahead of him. As long as he maintains his commitment to recovery, nutrition, mental preparation and overall well-being, there’s no reason to think he can’t sustain elite production for many more seasons. Prioritizing self-care will continue powering Mahomes’ pursuit of championships as one of the defining quarterbacks of his generation.