The Foundation of a Brotherhood: Kelce and Jones’s Path to Kansas City


While Travis Kelce and Chris Jones have become synonymous with success on the Kansas City Chiefs defensive and offensive fronts, their journey to becoming teammates and close friends began long before either put on the iconic red helmet. As it turns out, the seeds of their strong bond were planted years earlier through an unlikely connection.

Both Kelce and Jones hail from Ohio and grew up just a few hours apart, with Kelce in Cleveland and Jones in Houston. However, it wasn’t until they reached the college level that their paths first intersected on the football field. As fate would have it, Kelce was a standout tight end at the University of Cincinnati from 2009-2012 while Jones played defensive line at the University of Mississippi from 2013-2015.

Though they were on opposing sides, Cincinnati and Ole Miss matched up during Jones’s freshman season in 2013. Kelce, then a senior, left a lasting first impression on the young Jones. “I remember watching film of Travis and being like ‘man this dude is different,’” Jones recalled. “He was just so athletic and physical, but also had great hands. As a D-lineman you don’t want to see that!”

While Cincinnati got the best of Ole Miss that day, Jones said going up against Kelce in practice helped prepare him for the NFL. “It was a battle out there and he didn’t make it easy on me,” Jones said. “But going against a talent like that showed me what it took at the next level. I could tell even then he was going to have a long career.”

That one fateful meeting planted the seeds of respect between Kelce and Jones that would later blossom into a close friendship in Kansas City. But getting to that point required both defying the odds to make their NFL dreams a reality.

Draft Day Destiny

After dominant college careers, Kelce and Jones entered the 2013 NFL Draft with sky-high expectations. But on draft day, things didn’t go exactly as planned for either. Kelce, projected by most to go in the 2nd or 3rd round, surprisingly fell all the way to the third round where the Chiefs selected him with the 63rd overall pick.

“I’ll never forget getting that call from the Chiefs,” Kelce said. “I was definitely disappointed to slide like that, but also knew it was a perfect fit.” Meanwhile, Jones had to wait even longer – all the way until the second round of the 2015 draft before the Chiefs picked him with the 37th overall selection.

Chiefs GM Brett Veach later revealed the team had their eyes on both Kelce and Jones for years prior. “We loved Travis’s athleticism and playmaking ability, but there were some character concerns that caused him to fall,” Veach said. “With Chris, there was no question about his talent or motor. We just had to wait for him to come off the board.”

As it turned out, Kansas City was the ideal landing spot for both. Not only did they find the perfect system to thrive in, but an instant friendship began to blossom from their shared championship mindset and underdog mentality.

Bonding Beyond the Field

While their on-field chemistry has terrorized offenses for years, Kelce and Jones share an even deeper connection rooted in their lives away from Arrowhead Stadium. A key reason for this is their surprising shared passion – fishing.

“I never would’ve guessed Chris was such an avid fisherman,” Kelce’s brother and fellow Chiefs tight end Jason Kelce said. “But he and Travis spend hours out on the lake whenever they get a chance. It’s how they totally unwind.”

According to Jones, fishing provides the perfect escape from the pressures of NFL stardom. “Out there on the water, it’s just me and Travis zenning out, talking about life,” he said. “We’ve bonded over some great catches for sure.” Their competitive spirits even carry over, with Jones admitting Kelce usually lands the bigger fish.

Music is another mutual love that brought Kelce and Jones together. Jones revealed Kelce turned him onto a lot of new artists over the years, expanding his taste beyond just rap and R&B. “Travis is always putting me on to new albums and playlists,” Jones said. “Now we’ll blast everything from country to classic rock on road trips.”

The duo also finds common ground in their families. Kelce and Jones have been seen at each other’s charity events over the years, bringing their young kids along to play. “Our families have gotten really close too,” Kelce said. “It’s awesome seeing our kids grow up together like brothers.”

Support Through Thick and Thin

While their bond has withstood success, Kelce and Jones have also been each other’s rock through personal challenges. In 2020, Jones suffered a groin injury that sidelined him for the season. Kelce made it a point to check on his close friend constantly during rehab.

“Having Travis call and text every day meant so much being away from the team,” Jones said. “He kept my spirits up and pushed me to come back stronger.” The following year, Kelce tore his ACL – and Jones was there to return the favor. “Chris was with me every step, from surgery to late nights training,” Kelce said. “That’s the type of brother you can always count on.”

Their support extends beyond injuries as well. Kelce credits Jones with talking him through some off-field issues earlier in his career. And when Jones went through a public family matter, Kelce ensured the media gave his friend space. “We’ve seen each other through it all at this point,” Jones said.

The Secret to their Success

While their talent speaks for itself individually, Kelce and Jones credit their friendship for fueling their dominance as a duo. Defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo said their chemistry is unmatched, likening them to “Batman and Robin” out there.

“Chris makes my job so much easier knowing he’s rushing right behind me,” Kelce said. Jones echoed that sentiment, saying having Kelce to celebrate big plays with keeps him motivated. Even opponents have taken notice of their synergy. “You can just see how they energize each other,” said one former division rival QB.

Their yin-and-yang personalities also gel the team. Kelce’s boisterous leadership balances Jones’s more reserved demeanor. But Jones noted both share the same fiery competitiveness. “We may show it differently, but we’ll do anything to win,” he said.

While their bond started with an unlikely college matchup, Kelce and Jones have cemented their brotherhood over a decade in Kansas City. Through fishing, music, family, and championships – their friendship has flourished beyond anyone’s expectations. As the Chiefs enter a new era, their fans can count on #87 and #95 continuing to terrorize the NFL side by side for years to come.