Chiefs’ Kicker Harrison Butker is Proudly Pro-Life: ‘I Want to Give Voice to the Unborn’



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An expected 100+ million people will watch Super Bowl LVIII on Sunday, Feb 11. The Kansas City Chiefs face the San Francisco 49ers at 6:30 pm ET at Allegiant Stadium in Paradise, Nevada.

Several committed Christians will be taking the field including 49ers quarterback Brock Purdy and Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker.

Butker is a committed Catholic who is outspoken in his pro-life views.

Last year, following the Chiefs’ win at the Super Bowl, Harrison Butker joined his team for a visit to the White House. He opted to use the opportunity to promote the cause of life.

Chiefs’ Kicker Harrison Butker is Proudly Pro-Life: ‘I Want to Give Voice to the Unborn’

Butker wore a tie with the phrase “Vulnerari Praesidio” written in cursive on it – the phrase is Latin, and it translates to “Protect the most vulnerable.” Pro-life group Live Action, founded by activist Lila Rose, designed the tie specifically for Butker’s White House visit.

Additionally, Butker wore a gold pin replicating the size of a 10-week-old aborted baby’s feet.

“I want to give the most vulnerable, the unborn, a voice at a place where every effort has been made to allow and normalize the tragic termination of their lives,” Butker said ina statement following the visit, adding,

As a father who has experienced three miscarriages, my wife and I understand the hardships that come with losing a child. Every life is precious and should be valued whether outside or inside the womb.

Butker has also urged his fellow citizens to protect preborn life at the ballot box – specifically by voting in favor of Kansas’ Value Them Both Amendment which would have declared the Kansas constitution does not guarantee a right to abortion. The measure failed in 2022.

In 2023, Butker gave the commencement address at his alma matter, Georgia Tech, and provided the graduating students with a dose of wisdom:

I don’t care if you have a successful career. I don’t care if you have a big bank account or fly private. Many of you in this crowd may achieve these things. … But in the end – no matter how much money you attain – none of it will matter if you are alone and devoid of purpose.

I can offer one controversial antidote that I believe will have a lasting impact for generations to come. Get married and start a family (emphasis added).

Sometimes, Christians wonder whether God cares about which team wins the Super Bowl.

While God cares deeply about every player – He probably leaves the winner up to human free will – which team plays the best.

God may not be on one team’s side on Sunday. But it is the responsibility of each player to be on God’s side – knowing and loving God through their words and actions. That’s true for all of us, too.

Harrison Butker – by taking the side of life – has certainly done just that.

We wish both teams well on Sunday.

Focus on the Family has been working to turn the cultural tide and save mothers and babies from abortion for years. Since beginning the Option Ultrasound Program in 2004, Focus has helped save nearly half a million lives.

Our goal is to save one million babies by 2025. Just $60 will save a life through Option Ultrasound. Will you partner with us to save a life from abortion here?