“The Last Dance” is a captivating 10-part documentary series that explores the life and career of the legendary basketball player, Michael Jordan, and his time with the Chicago Bulls. The series offers an unprecedented glimpse into the rise of Jordan as one of the greatest athletes in history, while also delving into the dynamics of the Bulls team during their dominant reign in the 1990s.

The documentary showcases never-before-seen footage from the Bulls’ 1997-1998 championship season, providing an insider’s perspective into the team’s pursuit of a sixth NBA title.

It delves into the intense rivalries and competitions that Jordan and the Bulls faced during their journey towards greatness, including their epic battles with teams like the Detroit Pistons and the Utah Jazz.

With its in-depth storytelling and rare footage, the documentary promises to provide an intimate and comprehensive look into the life and legacy of one of basketball’s greatest players. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in the sport’s history and the enduring impact of Michael Jordan.