Pop sensation Justin Bieber’s recent flurry of social media posts has reportedly stirred up feelings of jealousy in his ex-girlfriend, Selena Gomez. The pair, whose high-profile romance captivated fans for years, may have parted ways, but it seems Gomez still harbors some unresolved emotions toward Bieber.

Insiders suggest that Bieber’s affectionate displays with his current wife, Hailey Bieber, on platforms like Instagram, have ignited a sense of envy in Gomez. She is reportedly troubled by the speed with which Bieber transitioned from their relationship to finding happiness with someone else.


His social media feeds, filled with endearing snapshots and expressions of love for Hailey, have left Gomez feeling a mix of hurt and jealousy. Observers note that Gomez views Bieber’s contentment with Hailey as an indication of the happiness he lacked with her.


It’s important to remember, though, that these feelings are based on rumors, as neither Gomez nor Bieber has publicly commented on the matter. Nonetheless, the impact of their past relationship continues to linger, with the emotional scars from their breakup yet to fully heal.



As time unfolds, the question remains whether Gomez will find her own path to happiness and finally close the chapter on her widely publicized romance with Bieber. The journey of healing and moving on is a personal one, and only time will reveal how Gomez navigates her way through these complex emotions.