AMANDA PLATELL: Time to stop this absurd bowing and curtseying to the royals

Last week, a casually dressed Prince William took his older son George and daughter Charlotte to the sold-out Taylor Swift concert in London.

Afterwards, they posed with the superstar and her boyfriend Travis Kelce for selfies sent round the world. Even without Kate or little Louis, it was a joyful tableau of a modern royal family. William had even been bad dad dancing to Taylor’s hit Shake It Off.

Travis later revealed on his podcast that William’s aides briefed the singer and her beau that there was ‘no need to bow’ to our future King.

Hallelujah, I thought. I’m an ardent monarchist but would humbly suggest this should become the rule in future — and not just for stars but for every ‘commoner’ who meets a member of the Royal Family.

The arcane tradition of grovelling to royals is out of touch with the present-day monarchy King Charles tells us he is seeking to establish, one that reflects a diverse society and treats everyone equally. I’ve long held this view.

Học làm quý tộc qua “giáo trình lịch sự” của hoàng gia Anh

I even told the late Queen of it in the 1990s, when I was among 10 lucky Australians granted an audience with her in the White Drawing Room of Buckingham Palace.

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With the witless naivety of a 30-something I said: ‘Your Majesty, I am honoured to curtsey before you having never curtsied to anyone before — but I will never do so again, unless it is you.’

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