They’ve reportedly shared the look of love for пearly oпe year.Aпd Jeппifer Garпer made sυre to carve oυt some time from her bυsy schedυle for…

Após vídeo de Anitta vir à tona, fãs reagem e se preocupam com a cantora…Ver mais Fãs expressam preocupação com Anitta após vazamento…

(VIDEO) Justin Bieber Exposes Will Smith, Diddy, and Clive Davis for Grooming Him Justin Bieber Exposes Will Smith, Diddy, and Clive Davis for…

Oh my God! Must watch now…. This Is How P Diddy Ruined Justin Bieber In recent discussions shedding light on the inner workings…

Justin Bieber REVEALS How Diddy M:O:LESTED Him And Usher Justin Bieber REVEALS How Diddy M:O:LESTED Him And Usher We have all heard about…

(VIDEO) ‘He’s Nasty’ JUSTIN BIEBER Comes Out With More Shocking Allegations Against Diddy In recent discussions surrounding the conduct of celebrities, particularly in…

50 Cent Just Revealed How Diddy Abused Cassy and Justin Bieber In Exclusive Video The most gut-wrenching sense of the word. Diddy, fueled…

Patrícia Abravanel não se cala após ocorrido no palco do Domingão e recebe resposta de Luciano Huck Pelas redes sociais, a filha de…

“Anitta lamenta seguido da multidão” revela desavença com Pabllo Vittar e se arrepende de suas ações. Anitta deu uma entrevista reveladora para o…